Reflecting on Accountex London 2024: A week of connections and insights

23.05.24 02:59 PM By Stephanie
Written by Caroline Reid
Last week at Accountex London, the bustling atmosphere and lively discussions were a testament to the dynamic state of the accounting industry. Forecast 5 had the pleasure of reconnecting with some of our existing clients whilst engaging with numerous prospective clients, all eager to learn more about our innovative solutions. The event underscored the growing interest in our powerful integrations, detailed reporting capabilities, and robust scenario planning features.

Integrations and Reporting: Top of Mind for 2024

One of the most frequently asked questions at our stand was about our integration capabilities. Attendees were keen to understand how seamlessly Forecast 5 integrates with leading accounting software such as Xero, SAP B1, Sage 50 Accounts, Sage 200, Sage 300 & Accumatica among others. The ability to connect with these platforms allows users to streamline their budgeting and forecasting processes, ensuring data consistency and accuracy across their financial systems.

In addition to integrations, our detailed reporting capabilities garnered significant attention. Forecast 5 empowers users to produce a variety of essential financial reports, such as Cashflow (including Daily Cashflow!), Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Funds Flow, P&L by Department, and P&L by Tracking Categories to name a few.

Our innovative One Touch Reporting feature, allow users to design and customise a report pack readily available for all budgets. This feature significantly reduces the time spent building reports for produced forecasts, enabling accountants and finance directors to focus more on vital analysis and strategic planning, rather than the mundane aspects of reporting.  With these robust reporting tools, Forecast 5 provides comprehensive financial insights, facilitating informed decision-making and effective financial management.

Exploring 'What If' Scenarios with Forecast 5

A standout feature that captivated many visitors was our 'what if' functionality. This powerful tool enables users to conduct scenario planning by adjusting inputs for sales, direct costs and overheads. 

By exploring different scenarios, businesses can anticipate potential challenges and opportunities, making proactive adjustments to their strategies. This level of foresight is invaluable in today's ever-changing business landscape, allowing organizations to stay agile and resilient.

Personal connections, new partnerships & expanding our presence in the growing UK market

One of the highlights of Accountex was the opportunity to meet face-to-face with many of our clients and partners. After months of communicating over email, it was refreshing to have in-person conversations, deepening our relationships and fostering a sense of community. 

We also had the pleasure of meeting the team from New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, whose assistance has been invaluable to our CEO, Geof Nightingale, and his wife Linda, who recently made the move from New Zealand to the UK. 

The growing interest in Forecast 5 within the UK market was evident, with a steady stream of inquiries and demonstrations throughout the event. Our client base in the UK continues to expand, and Geof and Johnny are committed to providing hands-on consulting to support our clients' needs. 

Engaging with the charity sector

We were particularly thrilled to see a large number of charities visit our stand. As a budgeting and forecasting solution that caters to all sectors, we are excited to see more charities embracing advanced financial planning tools. 

Effective forecasting is crucial for charities, enabling them to allocate resources efficiently, plan for future projects, and ensure financial sustainability. 

We look forward to supporting these organizations in achieving their missions through better financial management.

Looking ahead

Accountex London 2024 was a resounding success for Forecast 5. The enthusiasm and curiosity from attendees reaffirmed the value of our solutions in today's accounting landscape. We are grateful for the opportunity to connect with so many passionate professionals and look forward to continuing these conversations and fostering new partnerships in the months ahead.

The Forecast 5 UK team

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