Articles and Whitepapers
Why should you buy Forecast 5?
We've put together a few articles to help with your decision process on choosing a smarter solution.

Spreadsheets have errors
Did you know that 38% of all spreadsheets contain errors and that 90% of people using spreadsheets think they’re correct? With 9 out of 10 spreadsheets (88%) containing errors (Leung, 2014) and with a cell error rate of up to 1 in 20 cells (5%) (Panko, 1998), it is no wonder that your certainty on the figures presented is faltering...

What CEOS want in a budget
After pouring blood, sweat and tears into designing your spreadsheet budget for your CEO, you present your findings, only to be expected to accurately predict various what-if scenarios during your presentation. Spreadsheets are just not equipped to handle spontaneous impact calculations...
No more Sage Winforecast
After the success of Sage Winforecast version 4, Sage decided to change direction for a version 5 replacement and developed and released Sage Financial Forecasting. Unfortunately, this replacement did not measure up and Sage Winforecast remained stationary at version 4, with no development...

Looking for a new budgeting solution?
So frustration with inaccurate, time absorbing spreadsheets with half-baked output has caused you to look for a purpose-built solution. Well done! This is the light at the end of the tunnel, not the train. The purpose of this article is to highlight the types of software that are available...

What is Forecast 5?
Forecast 5 is a comprehensive budgeting and forecasting product, purpose built to remove all the errors associated with Excel budgets, provide sophisticated rolling forecasts, actuals variance analysis and confidence in your results. Forecast 5 provides a range of data entry methods and...

Is your spreadsheet really faster?
We understand that you have spent hours carefully designing and creating your budget spreadsheet template and you have finally managed to complete that pesky formula to link the cash inflow to your Cashflow. But there is an easier, less time-consuming way! A purpose-built budget and forecasting solution takes on a significant amount of processing well beyond what a spreadsheet does...

10 Questions about your budgeting process
Do you use problematic, error-prone and time-consuming -to-maintain spreadsheets, for creating your Clients/CEO Business budgets? Are you fed up with trying and failing to achieve reliable, totally accurate information and results using your current forecast, cashflows and budget system?...
Discover the joys of being able to trust your numbers with Forecast 5!
Forecast 5 is the smarter solution.
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